A Note From the Editors, October Issue

Hello BHSEC students and faculty! This year is a big one for news: between the impending election, continued conflict overseas and a mayoral scandal, there is a lot for us to read about. Our hope for the BQ Broadside’s 2024-2025 run is to bring readers some insight into the inner workings of Bard and the surrounding communities. We are looking forward to investigating mental health, green initiatives, student events and more, in order to bring you some ideas of what your peers and teachers are up to. We are adding a few new columns, so keep an eye out for our film review and sports sections, as well as the return of our Punny Bone comics. This fall marks the 16th year of Bard Queens’ opening (making it the same age as many of our juniors and seniors!), and we look forward to bringing you engaging, reliable news each month. Good luck with the fall semester, and be sure to read our upcoming articles!

– Maisie Morrison and Beatrix Worthington



